
7th July 2020

What is the cost of nitrogen gas in Australia?

ROI for 70 LPM (0.07 m3/min)

For higher flow gas requirements such as higher-end LC-MS, NMR, turbo evaporators, fume hoods, small lab reticulated gas supply, wine making/bottling, micro-breweries & food packaging, liquid nitrogen is a common method for supplying nitrogen.

Liquid Nitrogen Supply Costs

However, consider the following, gas usage for a facility requiring gas on demand 24 hours per day, 7 days a week needing 70 LPM (0.07 m3/min) is equal to 36, 792,000 litres of gas per annum. This equates to 0.105 L N2/min of liquid N2 boil off requirement. Deliveries to the facility for adequate operation would mean a minimum of 63,387 L per year of liquid nitrogen to produce the boil off gaseous nitrogen to meet the facility’s nitrogen demand.

ROI of Genius XE70 nitrogen generator

Genius XE70 Nitrogen Generator Supply Costs

Compare this with the cost of purchasing Peak Scientific’s Genius XE 70 standalone nitrogen generator where you can save 60% over 3 years, and even more if your lab requires more than 70 LPM.


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Genius XE 70 Laboratory nitrogen generator

With two models - Genius XE 35 (up to 35 L/min) and GeniusXE 70 (up to 70 L/min) - Genius XE70 Nitrogen provides a premium standalone nitrogen solution for high performance LC-MS/MS and other mission-critical laboratory applications where performance and reliability are paramount.

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