Name: Dr. Angel Cuesta Ciscar
Job role: Senior Lecturer
Company: University of Aberdeen (UK)
Dr Angel Cuesta Ciscar is a Senior Lecturer working at the University of Aberdeen. The work in his group is focused on the combination of classical electrochemical techniques with in situ optical spectroscopies and scanning probe microscopies, the purpose of which is to obtain a detailed description of the electrode surface and the electrochemical double layer at both the atomic and molecular level.
Dr Angel uses a Peak PG28L gas generator which provides clean, dry carbon dioxide free purge gas for his FT-IR analysis. In this user story he explains how his generator has streamlined his laboratory workflow and assisted in his analysis.
Typically, what is the focus of your analysis - what sort of applications?
“I use FT-IR to study the interface between an electrode and an electrolyte.”
What Peak Scientific generators do you have in your laboratory and what instruments do they supply?
“I have a PG28L gas generator in my lab.”
What prompted you to choose a Peak generator and how long have you used them?
“I had been using similar generators for years in my previous position, and was very happy with its performance and cost in comparison to cylinders.”
What has been the key benefit of deploying Peak generators as opposed to your previous gas supply solution?
“Improvement in the background levels of water and carbon dioxide, as well as in the variations of these levels (they are much more constant now, which is as important, if not more, as the actual absolute background level)”
How would you describe your purchasing experience with Peak in terms of speed of response, ease of ordering, catering for your needs and timing of delivery?
“Excellent. The process was swift and worry free.”
Have you ever had a site visit from a Peak engineer, if so, could you describe your experience of this support?
“One word - excellent.”
Would you recommend Peak Scientific generators to other laboratories - and if so, what would be your main reason for the recommendation?
“For sure. The main reasons are the good performance and excellent service.”
Beyond our core series of laboratory gas generators from LC-MS & GC, we also engineered specialist gas generation solutions to meet the demands of some of the more niche applications in the scientific market, hence the creation of the PG28L gas generator.
The PG28L is designed to provide purge gas for applications such as FT-IR. Delivering gas free of organic contaminants and removing moisture content, the PG28L provides a consistent flow and performance of detector gas for laboratories. It is completely silent in operation, wall mountable to save valuable lab space and can perform 24/7 if required – making it a valued asset to many labs around the world.
By having a Peak gas generator in his lab, Angel’s results are more consistent and he is also happy with the generators performance and the generators cost over traditional gas methods. With minimal set up and 12 months’ comprehensive on-site warranty this generator has stood the test of time delivering gas at consistent flow and purity for FT-IR applications.