David Augustus describes why he has the upmost confidence in Peak and the benefits Peak gas generators can give Bios Analytique's customers.
Name: David Augustus
Job title: Sales Manager
Company: Bios Analytique
Bios Analytique are a leading European company specializing in the rental and leasing of Life Sciences & Chemical Analysis equipment. They are official partners of Agilent Technologies, world leaders in life sciences, diagnostics and applied chemicals markets and an official distributor of Peak Scientific laboratory gas generators. David Augustus works as a Sales Manager for Bios Analytique and in this user story he describes why he has the upmost confidence in Peak and the benefits Peak gas generators can give Bios Analytique’s customers.
Typically, what is the focus of your LC-MS analysis - what sort of applications?
“Bios Analytique are a supplier of LC-MS systems. We are an authorised distributor of Agilent Technologies equipment.”
What Peak Scientific generators do you have in your laboratory and what LC-MS instruments do they supply?
“We have supplied various models of Agilent LC-MS systems into various laboratories across the UK and France.”
What prompted you to choose a Peak generator and how long have you used them?
“We wanted to work with in partnership with Peak due to their reputation in the gas world, the quality and availability of their equipment and the fact that Peak are always easy to deal with. We have worked with Peak in the UK for 6 years now.”
What has been the key benefit of deploying Peak generators as opposed to your previous gas supply solution?
“To be honest, the quality of the gas and the quality of the instrument itself is the best available in the market today.”
How would you describe your purchasing experience with Peak in terms of speed of response, ease of ordering, catering for your needs and timing of delivery?
“Peak are always easy to deal with and have a quick response to any enquiry I have. They also deliver on time which is a big bonus for us and our customers.”
Would you recommend Peak Scientific generators to other laboratories - and if so, what would be your main reason for the recommendation?
“Yes we would recommend Peak. We have no hassle dealing with them at all. They have quality equipment and they deliver on time – every time.”
Peak and Bios Analytique have been working together for over 6 years now and Peak are proud to work with a distributor who upholds the same values of Peak and supports our vision of ‘exceeding the expectations of our Customers, Colleagues and Suppliers’.
All Peak gas generators are all manufactured in the UK at our ISO 9001 accredited HQ. Each gas generator is quality tested before making its way to its new home. We have a highly responsive 12-day guarantee from initial order to on-site delivery, allowing for a smooth transition between our end-users and distributor base.
Peak Scientific chooses its distributors with great care and only the most trusted and competent distributors are given the training and authority to support Peak Scientific generators. Bios Analytique can provide full LC-MS solutions for their customers, a one-stop shop, and with many years of both technical and financial expertise within the laboratory market, they have the answer to your equipment funding needs.
No matter your LC-MS gas generation needs Peak Scientific can offer a solution that suits you and your lab best.