Bruce Peat

7th December 2015

PEAK India Precision Webinar

Discover how Precision gas generators can transform your GC laboratory

Dr. Ed Connor of PEAK Scientific, in association with First Source Laboratory Solutions, presents an informative webinar on the benefits of switching to laboratory gas generators for Gas Chromatography.

A PEAK Scientific first, this webinar is designed to give GC users in India an insight into the benefits of upgrading their GC gas supply to on-site PEAK Precision generators. The webinar is FREE to attend and will be held at 3pm (Indian Standard Time) on the 15th of December 2015, all you need to do is register by clicking HERE.

precision h2

Combining convenience and reliability in a ­stackable and modular design, Precision gas generators are the safe and practical solution for your GC detector, reference and carrier gas requirements, be it hydrogen, nitrogen or zero air. ‬Engineered to deliver a constant flow and purity of gas with no fuss and optimum consistency of results, Precision also eliminates inconvenient disruptions or recurring and unpredictable costs associated with cylinders.


Dr. Ed Connor has a wealth of experience working with Gas Chromatography, Ed has over a decade’s experience working in the life science market at ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich in Switzerland. With first-hand experience of the benefits of gas generators over traditional cylinder gas, Ed gained valuable experience on GC method development, sampling methods, user training and GC maintenance during his time in Switzerland.

The short webinar will include a Q&A session giving you the chance to ask questions directly to Dr. Ed Connor and PEAK Scientific colleagues.

You can read many of Dr. Ed Connor's articles and application notes on Gas Chromatography here, or watch PEAK Scientific's video on our Precision series.

Unable to attend? Send any questions or enquiries you have through our contact page.

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