United States

10th - 12th April 2024

Southwestern Association of Toxicologists - annual meeting

10 - 12 April 2022

Dallas, Texas

About SAT

The Southwestern Association of Toxicologists (SAT) was set up in 1977 as a membership organisation to further communication among Forensic Toxicologists in the area of analytical methods and interpretation of findings. Members represent laboratories in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado and Louisiana.

We are delighted to be participating again at their annual meeting, to showcase the PEAK Scientific product offering, and discuss how our range of cutting-edge nitrogen, hydrogen and zero air laboratory gas generators, can help their research.

What's happening at the SAT annual meeting?

Find out more about the participating vendors, and how to register.

About our products

An on-site gas generator from PEAK Scientific is the practical and cost-effective alternative to pressurised gas cylinders, dewars or bulk storage of laboratory gas. Traditional sources of gas, for example nitrogen or hydrogen, incur on-going delivery, administrative and rental costs, all of which impact on business revenue or facility budgets.

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Need help finding a solution?

We are experts in our field - with over 20 years' worth of experience in pioneering cutting-edge gas generator technology, we have worked closely with leading instrument manufacturers to help you find a solution tailored to your specific needs.

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