United States

2nd - 3rd April 2024

Join us at AOAC Southern Section, 37th Annual Conference

2 - 3 April 2024

Atlanta Marriott

About AOAC Southern Section 37th Annual Conference

The AOAC Southern Section’s 37th Annual Meeting brings together a group of top scientists to discuss the drive toward analytical excellence. It is also a space to share ideas about working together to develop and validate better methods, establish best laboratory practices, create robust quality management systems, and build sustainable laboratory organizations.

These networking events are imperative so that laboratories can adapt to an environment of constant change. Attendees will discover new topic areas in biotechnology, energy innovations, nutraceuticals, and nanotechnology. As well as hearing about promising tools and resources needed to develop improved analytical methods and sustain excellence in these challenging fields of study.

PEAK are delighted to be taking part in this meeting to showcase our range of nitrogen, hydrogen and zero air laboratory gas generators for LCMS and GC.

What's happening at AOAC Southern Section, 37th Annual Conference

Take a look at the preliminary program and register.

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